Contest Registration

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These Terms and Conditions are applicable to your registration and participation in the QSC Contest (“Contest”) and form a legally binding agreement between you and QSC India Private Limited (“QSC”) being the offeror/sponsor of the Contest. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before participating in the Contest. Participation in the Contest constitutes your full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these official terms and conditions and decision of QSC concerning the winner of the Contest, which shall be final and binding. Please also be advised that winning a prize is contingent upon being compliant with these official terms and conditions and fulfilling all other requirements as set forth herein.
  1. Eligibility Requirements:

    For the purposes of participating in the Contest, you should be an individual above 18 years of age at the time of entry into the Contest and legal resident of the Republic of India. Please note that the Contest is NOT available for the residents of the state of Tamil Nadu in view of the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Prize Scheme (Prohibition) Act, 1979.

    Employees of QSC and other companies associated with the promotion of the Contest, and their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and advertising and promotion agencies, as well as the immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings, and children) and household member of each such employee, are not eligible to participate in the Contest.

  2. Duration of the Contest:

    The Contest shall commence at 11:00 hours on 24th March 2022 and shall be valid till 20:00 hours on 07th April 2023. Any entries received by QSC after 2000 hours on 07th April 2023 shall not be considered valid and will be disregarded by QSC.

  3. Details of the Contest and Entry Mechanism:
    1. Participation in the Contest will only be allowed through the contest link which shall be made available through e-mail or on social media handles of QSC.
    2. Each participant and unique e-mail address will be allowed only one entry and any additional entries by same participant but using different e-mail address will be rejected by QSC.
    3. In case any participant has been a winner of 5 (five) consecutive contests organized by QSC, then such participant shall not be eligible for participation for next 3 (three) contests [post such 5 (five) contests in which participant has been a winner]. Such participant shall however be entitled to participate again after a gap of 3 (three) contests, as stated above.
    4. QSC reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of entries and/or participants (including participant’s identity, age and place of residence) and to disqualify any participant who tampers with the entry process and/or has concealed or withheld accurate information or disclosed incorrect information. Failure by QSC to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.
    5. Any form of plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
    6. The winner will be decided by the expert panel elected by QSC and name of the winner(s) will be declared 18:00 on 17th May 2023 at QSC India Facebook and Instagram page.
    7. The decision of the expert panel and declaration of winner(s) shall be final, and no correspondence will be entered into by QSC in this regard.
  4. Details of the Prize:
    1. The winner will be informed via social media, email, or telephone by 17th May, 2023 as may be determined by QSC in its sole discretion and the participant will be required to share a valid identity proof and address proof. In the absence of the information and documents being provided by the winner participant to QSC for 5 working days from the date of intimation, the winner participant will forfeit his right to claim the prize.
    2. The unsuccessful participants will not be notified.
    3. The Contest shall have one winner and there will be only one prize per winner. The maximum value of the prize is RS. 10,000 based on the recommended retail value. QSC accepts no responsibility for any variation in the value of the prizes. QSC reserves the right to substitute either any part of prize or whole prize for similar prize of equal or greater value.
    4. Each prize must be taken as stated and no compensation will be payable if a winner is unable to use the prize as stated. Prizes are not exchangeable or redeemable for cash or other goods or services. A prize cannot be assigned and/or transferred to any other person.
    5. Each prize will be awarded "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind, express or implied (including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose). Any graphics of the prize, as depicted in any communication regarding the Contest, are for representation purposes only. The actual prize may differ, including in colour and appearance.
  5. General Terms and Conditions:
    1. This Contest will be governed by these standard terms and conditions. Each participant agrees that he/she has read and understood these terms and by their participation in the Contest, each participant agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions. Mere participation should not be perceived as any commitment on the part of QSC to select a participant as the winner. Nothing herein amounts to a commitment by QSC to conduct further, similar, or other contests in future.
    2. To the extent permitted by law, entry details remain the property of QSC and the participant provides his consent for such information being stored in the servers of QSC or its service providers. The name and photograph of the winner may be used for promotional purposes by QSC unless the winner otherwise notifies QSC at the time of accepting the prize. Participants consent to QSC using personal information provided in connection with this promotion for the purposes of facilitating the conduct of the promotion and awarding any prizes and to conduct marketing activities.
    3. If any act, omission, event or circumstance occurs which is beyond the reasonable control of QSC and which prevents QSC from complying with these terms and conditions, QSC will not be liable for any failure to perform or delay in performing its obligations. QSC reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this Contest, including extending, withdrawing, or discontinuing the same without notice, without assigning any reason, at its sole discretion without any liability.
    4. Each participant hereby expressly waives any right or claim to damages or compensation arising out of or in connection with this Contest irrespective of whether the participant is successful or unsuccessful in this Contest. This Contest will not and shall not result in any financial or legal liability of QSC or any of its directors or employees or any affiliate entities, and the participants expressly agree to waive and surrender all their legal and contractual rights in respect thereof.
    5. QSC and its directors or employees will not be liable for any losses, damages, expenses, costs or personal injuries arising out of this promotion, the promotion of this promotion or the use of any prize, including but not limited to any breach of these terms and conditions, contract or tort (including negligence) and any other common law, equitable or statutory remedy whatsoever.
    6. QSC shall not be liable under or in connection with these terms and conditions or for this Contest or using the prize for any indirect, special or consequential cost, expense, loss or damage even if such cost, expense, loss or damage was reasonably foreseeable or might reasonably have been contemplated by the participant and QSC and whether arising from breach of contract, tort, negligence, breach of statutory duty or otherwise.
    7. QSC accepts no responsibility for difficulties experienced in submitting an entry to this Contest. QSC does not accept responsibility for (i) lost, late or undelivered entries; or (ii) any technical or access issue, failure, malfunction or difficulty that might hinder the ability of a participant to enter the Contest; or (iii) any event which may cause the Contest to be disrupted or corrupted.
    8. QSC may disqualify entries from winning if it has reasonable grounds to suspect that they are in breach of these terms and conditions or your participation is fraudulent, unfair, or unlawful.
    9. QSC accepts no responsibility for any tax implications that may arise from accepting a prize. The winner is requested to seek an independent financial advice in this regard before accepting the prize.
    10. In addition to these terms & conditions, other specific terms may be imposed by QSC from time to time to deal with any unforeseen situation. QSC also reserves the absolute right to change the terms and conditions contained herein and, or, any other rules and regulations in respect of the Contest at any time without any notice, the itinerary, without assigning any reason and without any liability whatsoever. Participants are requested to refer to such other terms and conditions, if any, which may be intimated separately as QSC considers fit. However, no obligation is cast on QSC to separately intimate each individual participant regarding such additional terms and conditions.
    11. QSC reserves the right of the associated multimedia (photographic, audio, video) furnished to QSC by participants, on the stipulation that participant fairly and lawfully possess the rights to distribute these materials for use; and associated musical score(s) or song(s) furnished to QSC, on the stipulation that participant fairly and lawfully possess the rights to distribute these materials for use.
    12. The Participant, by participating in this Contest, hereby agrees to these terms and conditions and gives irrevocable consent to the process of selecting the winners as set out herein above. Further, the participant agrees that any appropriate changes may be made to this Contest, by QSC, as QSC may deem fit, including but not limited, due to any legal or regulatory requirement, instructions from any judicial or quasi-judicial body or due to any natural calamity beyond the reasonable control of QSC, its affiliates and partners, or for any other reason whatsoever.
    13. The Contest is governed by the laws of the Republic of India. Any dispute arising out of these terms and conditions or pertaining to the Contest will be subject to arbitration in Bengaluru in English by an independent arbitrator (who shall be a retired judge/judicial officer) to be appointed by QSC in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, as amended from time to time. Subject to arbitration, the jurisdictional courts at Karnataka shall be entitled to grant interim relief/injunction.
    14. For any queries related to the Contest, you may contact us at [email protected].
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Foolish Love Contest

More than 50 years ago, we embarked on a journey. Over the years we've worked with countless musicians, empowered them, and seen them grow and we are back with the Foolish Love Contest .

We would like to dedicate the month of April to you, all those talented, aspiring musicians out there. But we thought it might not hurt to add some fun to it, so welcome to our Foolish Love Contest! We’re calling for all musicians to sing us a song about their most foolish love! Check out our list of topics, choose your favorite, and write and produce your own short foolish love song.

Make your choice, and write and produce your own short foolish love song:

  • Filter coffee
  • Road trips
  • The smell of rain
  • Indian Trucks
  • Post-Oscar Binge
  • Chaat Street
  • QR codes
  • Snooze Button
  • Weird Food Combos
  • 3-day weekends

Write, record and produce a 30-60 second song about any of the topics mentioned above. Upload the file to our page, you will receive the respective link upon registration. Also upload your entries to Instagram /Facebook tagging @QSCIndia & @QSCaudio for your chance to win gift vouchers worth INR 10,000.

Lucky winner will receive the gift voucher worth INR 10,000 and all finalists will receive QSC goodies, too!

The most important rule of all is: have fun & PlayOutLoud!

Timeline: 24th March to 7th April, 2023 

Terms & Conditions

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Song Submitted

Thank you for registering for our contest. Shortly, you will receive a summary of the topics and the timeline of the submission as well as a link to upload your song. We would suggest to bookmark the email. Good luck and don’t miss any new additions to our Instagram and Facebook pages.

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Sea quidam repudiandae interpretaris eu. Facilisi patrioque adipiscing in nec, est an facete oblique. Ex mucius patrioque expetendis his. Quis justo ad qui. Et assum ignota accumsan mea. Has ad diam prompta molestiae, sint constituto expetendis ut pri, an tation lucilius cum.

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Wir werden Ihnen zunächst per E-Mail eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail im Double-Opt-In-Verfahren übermitteln. Diese Bestätigungs-E-Mail dient Ihrer Sicherheit, nämlich der Überprüfung, ob Sie, als Inhaber der E-Mail-Adresse, den Empfang der Einladungs-E-Mail mit der Möglichkeit zur Eingabe Ihrer Daten für eine gewünschte Teilnahme an unserer Veranstaltung tatsächlich autorisiert haben und damit einverstanden sind.

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