Register to Watch: Remote AV Management for Hospitality Installations

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Remote AV Management for Hospitality Installations

As customers are quickly returning to the hospitality industry (hotels, casinos, retail, event centers, fitness centers etc), don’t jeopardize their user experience with an unmonitored AV system!

Our live demo will show you some new creative uses for the new Professional Tier features in Q-SYS Reflect Enterprise Manager including:

  • Live Room Support: Remotely manage divisible room settings, check in on room microphones and projectors, and even support struggling patrons with their own UCI, all from a simple browser.
  • Detect foreground audio system issues: Receive auto-notifications from faulty loudspeakers or amplifiers from your stages or aerobics room.
  • Manage your playback messaging: Centrally manage all audio files and playlists for your guest messaging.
  • Remote Design Deployment: Make system design changes without going onsite.
  • BGM monitoring: Get real-time verification if BGM system stops providing ambient music support anywhere in the system.
  • Don’t take our word for it…
    We’ll chat with actual hospitality support staff who actively use Enterprise Manager to support their venues.

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